Starting Fresh
Does The High School Change The Way Sophmores View School?
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The school year has started, and for sophomores, everything has changed. Coming from Timberline with 8 different classes that last for 45 mins, to entering the high school with 4 blocks with classes lasting for an hour and a half, students just entering Waukee High are starting to feel the difference.
I asked a couple of sophomores how they are feeling about starting the new year. I wanted to know what experiences are new for them, and how they generally feel about being at Waukee High School. Rylee Murrilo is a fellow sophomore this year coming into Waukee High after experiencing life at Timberline last year. “I look forward to seeing my friends and going to events and being a part of them as a high school student,” Murillo says. Murillo also points out that, “It’s great to be in new classes”. Logan Atkin tells us “The school year is different because of the longer classes, I look forward to Friday night football games, and the best thing about being at the high school is fewer classes to keep track of ”. When asked the same questions, Kelly Hoffman tells us that, “the school year is different because there are more people and longer classes. I am looking forward to having classes with my friends, football games, and sports. The best thing about high school is my friends and all my classes”.
Elise Schwartz tells us, “It is different because here you have way more tests and homework and this is where every decision you make impacts what your future is going to be like.” She says she is “looking forward to going to football games with her friends, going to homecoming, and playing softball and volleyball games”. The best thing for her is, “that teachers are so nice and respectful”.
For the sophomores interviewed and the rest of the sophomores at Waukee High, it might be a little hard to get used to at first but everyone has been doing great so far. Even though high school may be hard these sophomores have been doing great and accomplishing so much since the beginning of the school year.