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History over Thanksgiving related foods and why they are considered Thanksgiving foods
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Thanksgiving. The holiday is surrounded by different foods and giving thanks. But where did these foods come from and why are they classified as Thanksgiving foods? Well, the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie are signified as thanksgiving foods because they were eaten around the autumn time in 1621. So ever since then, it has stuck around. Every year more foods are added to this unestablished list of thanksgiving foods. Turkey represents the pilgrims and the Plymouth plantation. Another food students enjoy during Thanksgiving are cheesy potatoes and mashed potatoes. Cheesy potatoes originated from the women’s organization with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. When surveyed, many students said that they favored mac and cheese over most thanksgiving foods. Overall Thanksgiving is a great way to give thanks, eat yummy foods, and spend quality time with family and friends.