The Ultimate Rivalry Game
The tongue-tied crowd watched as the wolves took the victory.
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The intense game between the Wolves and the Warriors left the crowd wanting more. In the first quarter of the game, the wolves had the lead 18 to 13. With 5 minutes left in the second Quarter of the game Omaha threw down a nasty dunk, but that didn’t get the warriors far because, by the end of the quarter, the wolves had the lead with 32 to 25. The third quarter didn’t go so well for the warriors either with the ending score being wolves 50 warriors 45. The Warriors took the lead 6 minutes into the fourth quarter making the score Waukee 53 and wolves 50, the students expected to take home the W, with the warriors being in the lead but the game took an unexpected turn.
In the last 30 seconds of the fourth quarter the warriors and wolves were tied 65-65 but with the time running out number 2 on the wolves got the ball and hit a lay putting the wolves in the lead 67-65, with 1.3 three seconds left in the game the warrior tries to do one final inbound play to end the game with a win, number 4 on the warriors threw the ball to Omaha, but sadly he couldn’t pull through, which left the warriors devastated. The first game left many of the students excited for the second game against Northwest, especially with the Warriors losing by two. When students were asked how they feel about the game and the loss they had different responses.
Junior Duke Taylor, when asked about the game, responded, “I’m pretty disappointed, but we didn’t lose yet, it’s not over until it’s over, my score prediction for the next game is Waukee 69 Wolves 62, Omaha and Vance are going to go crazy,”.
A sophomore, Lily Soliday explained, “I think the game was unfair because Omaha was fouled so much, they just didn’t call the obvious play,”. Many Waukee students agree with Lily’s opinion. Regarding the next NW vs Waukee game, Deja James said, ” I believe that we will win, quoting the cheer “I believe that we will win,”. Waukee will be more determined to take home the win next game, which will be a close, exciting game.