Violet Dreams
Students enjoyed Winter Formal dance and fundraiser, January 2023.
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Winter formal is upon us, and the theme for this year is violet dreams here at Waukee High School. NHS (National Honor Society) has put in lots of hard work to make this amazing dance possible. This dance was not just a dance but also a fundraiser. NHS is raising money to donate to Orchard Place. “It has to deal with teenagers like us and I know that it would help impact kids’ lives,” said Oriana Ryker.
This year’s dance theme was Violet Dreams. It can be a long process to find a theme for winter formal “. You may be wondering if the general student body enjoyed this theme, “it was okay I didn’t really care too much about it.” said Dominik Baftiq. Walking into the dance was like magic. From the streamers at the entrance to the stars and other things hanging from the ceiling. The lights inside the gym were very bright but it definitely put everyone in the right mood for a fun hype dance. Junior Dominik Baftiq says his favorite part of the dance was, “dancing with my friends and living in the moment”. This really proves that during this time while being surrounded by lights and music, everyone had fun!
It is common for students to have strong opinions about the DJ and the music provided at the dance. This year our DJ was Quinn Hemesath. He is an Iowa State grad student and did a great job. “I think the DJ did give Waukee a good time, I mean everyone seemed pretty hyped,” said Madeline Ortiz. It is also very common for there to be some drama that happens at the winter formal and in previous years we have had incidents of having to turn on lights or even ending the dance early. This year the lights got turned on a few times for a few different reasons. The first time there was just simply an electrical issue that needed to be resolved but after that, they were turned on for crowd surfing and other dangerous actions.
Winter formal is a dance that sometimes is great, but sometimes not. Students were asked if they could change one thing about the dance and what it would be and we got some great responses. Madeline Ortiz said “Even though I enjoyed the dance a lot, I may have chosen some more diversity in the music to maybe have some slower songs. I enjoyed the bass-loaded, hard-hitting music, don’t get me wrong, just some other music would have been nice too.”