Hallway Horrors
Does Waukee do enough on the PDA issue at school?
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Not only does going into high school come with harder school work and more responsibilities, but it also comes with high school relationships… this leads to everyone’s favorite thing, PDA. Public Display of Affection (PDA) is when a couple publicly kisses, hugs, or shows any sign of physical touch to an uncomfortable amount, almost as if no one can see them.
The question is, does Waukee do enough? The answer is no. Junior Olivia Schmitt said, “I believe that Waukee could better recognize what is going on in our school and talk more about it. We are at school and we are also in high school so grow up and do better, wait till you get outside of school. It’s disturbing and distracting especially while we’re at school. There are no rules that could be implemented but I think people need to learn to just stop because it really is disgusting.”
While everyone is entitled to their own actions and decisions, PDA is an issue in our school because PDAs do lead to other students feeling uncomfortable and distracted in school. Students overall feel Waukee has not done much to prevent this problem as it is a returning and repeating issue all over our school with multiple parties. This leads to the issue of trying to please as many students as possible. The majority of the students in our school believe that Waukee should do more to prevent PDA, because the students at our school are here to learn and not feel uncomfortable or watch couples hug, kiss, etc. Students should not have to feel awkward walking in our hallways because of students that decide to bring their outside relationships to school. Relationships should not be brought into school as that is not the reason we go to school, students have so many opportunities to hang out with their significant other outside of school and during school hours. A lot of students feel teachers should talk to students who have continuing behavior of PDA about how it is not appropriate to be occurring in school. What can Waukee do to prevent this issue and will it continue?