The Hunter: Call of the Wild
A review of the popular Xbox game
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The Hunter Call of the Wild is a free-to-play game for Xbox Live players and has hyper-realistic hunting features that came out in 2017 and are still competing today!
When you first enter the game you are given tips from the maps park guide, they show you through the basics of the game and end up leading you to your first deer. Eventually, they show you how to accept missions on the menu so you can make money and increase your hunting skills. By the end of the tutorial, you have got a deer, and a lodge to change the time, teleport to different lodges, and swap out your weapons. You also have access to a four-wheeler, and plenty of missions to earn money, skill, and perks.
After completing the tutorial you are finally set off by yourself where you can fully experience the game. When the tutorial is complete you unlock online, which means that there are special competitions for money and skill points, the competitions are an easy way to grind out money since they’re all fairly easy and there usually aren’t too many people in a single online session. Most of the missions consist of claiming the most animals before someone else can. These types of missions usually pay around $5,000, which in The Hunter is a good amount of money. The only sad part is that to get paid it has to be a genuine online server rather than a server with you and your friends.
When you are playing solo, you can only practice your shot in one of the ranges, hunt for animals that you could taxidermy and put in your lodge, and complete campaign missions. The missions through the storyline of each map pay out a good bunch of money for how easy they are with at least $1,000 for every mission. The more money you get the more weapons and ammunition you can get, but to be able to use the new and more expensive weapons you’ll need to increase your weapon skill level and weapon experience level.
There is no true end in The Hunter since you are always hunting and always gaining experience, levels, and even more money. The only thing that eventually ends is the missions, but each map has its own set of missions. With over 10 different maps to play on, The Hunter Call of the Wild is infinite and fun to play with your friends.