Hidden Gems Within War Thunder
The best hidden gems in the popular game, War Thunder
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Within War Thunder, there are over 2000 different vehicles. You would think there are no excellent vehicles if there are that many already in the game, but as most players know there is a plethora of hidden gems within each faction’s tech tree. Germany for example has a whole lot of hidden gems within their ground and air vehicles. First, they have the 15cm siG 33 B Sfl, a heavy-hitting tank destroyer at only a 1.0 battle rating, there’s the Pz. IV F2 and G with tons of armor and a 75mm cannon, and then the entire Stug tank destroyer line up. The main gem in all of Germany’s tech tree is the vast amount of Sd—kfz vehicles they have, other known as Pumas.
Today the main focus we have is the Sd.Kfz234/2, otherwise known as THE Puma. This Puma is considered the original since it was one of the first of its kind and the original of its kind to the tech tree. There are easily 10+ Sd. Kfz vehicles are in War Thunder today but the Sd.Kfz234/2 is and will remain the best of them all for many reasons.

The Sd.Kfz is the best Puma for many reasons, first of all, is its survivability, it is very fast and has tires instead of tracks so it turns on a dime, it also has no armor so most rounds fired at the Puma will go straight through instead of shattering and eliminating the crew inside. Second, the puma has an amazing crew and set of abilities. It can scout enemy vehicles which gives you points for not only marking them on the map but also if the enemy gets damaged or destroyed you get points for it. The Puma is equipped with smoke and artillery support so you can not only slow down the push of the enemies with artillery but you can smoke out the objective to protect yourself and your team. Finally, because the Puma is so unbelievably quick you can get to the objective and get easy points off of the capture, you can also get to a side shooting position before the enemy team arrives for an easy set of eliminations or spots, and because of its 50mm cannon at only 2.7 battle rating, the Puma has very high chances of eliminating or critically damaging the enemy teams vehicles.

The Sd.Kfz234/2 overall is the best Puma for many reasons, at a low battle rating of 2.7 it is very easy to achieve and after obtaining it you will be filled with enjoyment for once in the game of War Thunder.