End of Semester 1
What are students at Waukee feeling going into the second half of the school year?
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As term 2 has come to an end, Waukee students focus hard to finish off semester 1. It’s been almost 5 long months into the 2023-2024 school year. We’ve had many exciting days throughout this year already! We’ve had homecoming week, end of football season, start of basketball season, plus a snow day recently!
The week of term 2 finals, Waukee High School had a big snow day on Tuesday, January 9th, 2023. This set students back as Sophomore Jai White says, “It was a little scary missing a day of school especially when it’s an important week”. Although it’s always fun to miss school, this made students nervous about falling behind in their finals. Students tend to focus and care more about school once finals come around.
Next, Sophomore Bella Messerli says, “I do notice myself focusing more towards the end of the term because it’s like an eye-opening moment for me that I need to be working extra hard to end the term with a good grade”. All students seem to have this same mindset because finals carry such an important weight on their grades. Finals can add lots of stress as Senior Elle Secory says, “I’ve started cramming and working a little harder to feel relieved at the end”. Hopefully all students’ hard work pays off!
But, a new term welcomes new beginnings! Since this is the end of a semester (2 terms), all students will be getting new classes. This is a good time for all students to have a fresh start as we all await spring break. Senior Elle Secory adds, “I’m so excited just for new classes and a new schedule”. Good luck to all those starting term 3!