Stories by Miku Mizushima
Waukee Winter Guard’s Success in IIMA Marion
Last weekend on February 16, Waukee Combined Winter Guard (WCWG) performed at IIMA Marion, their first competition of the season. With a spectacular performance, their show “Disco Dreaming” ended up ranking first out of the five schools in their division. The show, contrary to the one from last season, features upbeat…
Trends & Consumerism
According to, consumerism is defined as “the tendency of people living in a capitalist economy to engage in a lifestyle of excessive materialism that revolves around reflexive, wasteful, or conspicuous overconsumption.” In other words, consumerism is the idea that we must keep buying new things. Consumerism and excessive buying…
What’s Winter Guard? Is It Worth It?
Although the marching band season has ended, there are still opportunities to participate in similar activities. An example of that is the Waukee combined winter guard.
What Color is Math/English?
Here’s a controversial question: What color is Math/English? This question has been a massive argument starter for years, and an answer has yet to be agreed on. Reasoning behind each answer varies, from the imagery of the subject to the correlation between favorite colors/subjects. Junior Noelia Neal strongly believes that…
Students vs. Attention Spans
Attention span is defined as “the length of time for which a person is able to concentrate mentally on a particular activity” stated by the Oxford American Dictionary. Such a skill to focus is essential to our daily lives, especially for students who have to manage their many classwork. Unfortunately,…